Blog Post #4

     ELA Technology standard LAFS.2.RL.3.7 is for the grade level 2. This standard is aimed for students to gain an understanding of characters, the setting and the plot of a story using a print or digital text through its words and illustrations. I would feel prepared to implement this standard based on my current skill set. This is because I am familiar with online poster creators which is one of the technology tools linked to this standard.

    One of the resources in CPALMS Educator Toolkit is the Responsible Decision Makers Use Technology lesson plan. This is specific to grade level 2 in the subject area of science. The resources available to support Standard SC.K2.CS-CP.2.2 can be used in my teaching through guiding me, the teacher, through the lesson. This will help facilitate my teaching of the lesson by breaking down how the students should break up the simple task into small steps though coding.

    Internet searching is important when being a teacher. It is important to be a proficient internet searcher as a teacher because otherwise you won’t be able to use technology to help support you lessons like research. Out of the internet skills introduced this week, I think I will use Google Advanced Search. It is a great way to get specific information in the format you want by adding filters which is important for teachers getting the information they need to teach their students.


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