Blog Post #2

          My experience using Microsoft Word as a student in K-12 started around third grade in my computer skills class. This class was specifically made with the purpose of the students becoming more familiar with different computer programs. This is where I first started using Microsoft Word. This followed though the rest of elementary and middle school leading me to write papers. I also used Microsoft Word heavily in high school and college to write papers for my classes. 

          ISTE Standards for Educators is a map that helps students be the best learners possible by promoting collaboration, practice, and challenge. The standard that is most meaningful to me is 2.6.b Model and Nurture Creativity.  From this I have learned… A lingering question I have about it is…

           I agree with the label “digital native” for today’s youth. What it means to be digital native is growing up around the digital world leading to technology being easier for them to use like a native speaker and their native language. I have noticed a difference between how digital natives and digital immigrants use technology as digital natives are much more tech savvy, as we all learned around the same years but for digital natives it was in young years rather than digital immigrants at an older age. It has impacted my learning experience because it has made my school years easier in the sense that I learned how to use technology that is the basis of much of my work at a young age. I will face the same difficulties as my educators in the sense of technology because it will continue to evolve and my students will be the digital native in the sense of future technology and be much more savvy then me. 

Group of boys playing on computers” by PickPik is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0


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