Blog Post #8

     While working on the Web Design Assignment, I feel as if I have acquired new skills. A design principle I used when designing my website is contrast. In regards of the color of the text and the color of the background I made sure there was contrast so it was easier to read and had better flow. I enjoyed working on this assignment. I feel like I was learning skills I will be able to use in the future as a teacher.

    Everyone has different levels of AI use in their daily lives. I personally close to never use AI as I have never used ChatGPT. I don’t like the idea of using AI tools because I like for work that I put my name on to be my own words and ideas. I feel as if it is a way of cheating even if it is only used for ideas. I have no motivation to use AI tools nor any questions. 

    My experience using ChatGPT in class was neutral. When using the AI tool, the prompt I used was the example in the participation portfolio a female college student in the water packed with papers. When using this prompt I got results consisting of the exact photo I searched for. I learned that AI chat bots are able to generate the exact photo you ask it to generate. My perception of AI was changed as I did not have much of a perception set beforehand and changed to show that it is helpful for getting what you need. I would address the potential risks and challenges regarding AI chat bots with my students through the uncertainty of what it can generate.

    AI tools can be used for productivity. AI tools can help enhance productivity especially in he classroom. I may end up using AI tools to improve my productivity in the future. I will use them to enhance productivity in my teaching job by using it to find unique and engaging in class activities to help further along the lesson.


  1. I really like your Teacher Webpage, the text is consistent across each page, very accessible visually and I really like your calendar that you included. My only thing is on your headers the white on the pink background can be a little hard for some to see just because of color theory. Maybe black or a darker color to make the words pop.


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