Blog Post #5

     My early experiences using Instagram for my Personal Learning Network consists of communicating with other aspiring teachers. I have been interacting with others who are aspiring teachers. I have found this beneficial because I am able to learn from their experiences with working to get into the field and be able to hear what they have heard from teachers that I wouldn’t be able to communicate with. Instagram can e helpful in my future career as I will be able to communicate with other teachers and learn from the way they run their classrooms like if I see something that is innovative and working in their classroom, I can implement it in my classroom.

    Digital divide affects student success un schools. This happens because students who have access to technology and the internet at home are seen to have an advantage over those who do not. Some causes of digital divide are lower academic standing and less job availability. I may experience, as a school teacher, students who do not have internet access at home and this will affect my teaching strategies as I will not be primarily and exclusively using teaching strategies that use the internet. Doing so the students who do not have that internet access at home are not isolated and will not fall behind and any technology based assignments will be done in school with accessibility to school owned technology so all students can learn about technology.

    Academic software is being used much more in schools and can be beneficial to students. Two software tools I would like to implement in my future classroom would be Class Dojo and Kahoot. The software tool Class Dojo is an application used for classroom management and communication with students’ parents. I would like to use this tool with my future students because it is important to have that communication with the parents in a way that they get notified so they are on top of it while managing my class through a point system which is fun and motivating. The software tool Kahoot is an application allows you to make questions and answers and share the activity made. I would like to use this tool with my future students because it is a fun and engaging way of getting students involved and learning what you want them to learn. There are fun icons everyone can choose and music in the background to keep them entertained while also learning and answering questions that relate to the class materials.


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