
Showing posts from February, 2024

Blog Post #7

      Teacher pages on a school website could be very beneficial for students and parents. I found a website made by Mrs Sara Strickland from Canopy Oaks Elementary School. In their website, the kinds of information you can find ranges from assignment due dates, information about the teacher, and how to contact the teacher. This helps the parents stay informed on what their child needs to have done and where to contact the teacher if they have questions.     I envision myself using technology to accomplish my professional responsibilities more efficiently and effectively. I plan to do this through my efficiency using tools like Microsoft programs. Knowing how to skillfully use programs like that I will be able to accomplish goals in the workplace and work more efficiently. Teacher productivity tools I plan to use besides Microsoft is Canvas, Class Dojo, and a teacher website.     I did not have the best experience working on Assignment 2. I found

Blog Post #6

     My initial experience using Diigo was not good. This is because I don’t find it very user friendly. I like how you’re able to connect with groups and share your thoughts using Diigo. I don't like how difficult it is to use when using Diigo. I feel like it’s hard to join groups and annotate when it could be simpler.     Now experiencing blogging, I don’t necessarily love it but I don’t hate it. i like that blogging feels easy and I don’t struggle to write. I always have so many thoughts in my head so I have something to write about always. I don’t like how without prompts of school I wouldn’t know what necessarily to write about. So far during the blogging process, I have learned how to reach and connect with others.      A Web 2.0 tool I might use when teaching is Prezi.  Prezi is a presentation program that’s different from other tools. You can break away from slides as it zooms in and out of the slides. I believe this will be good to use in my future classroom because it wil

Blog Post #5

      My early experiences using Instagram for my Personal Learning Network consists of communicating with other aspiring teachers. I have been interacting with others who are aspiring teachers. I have found this beneficial because I am able to learn from their experiences with working to get into the field and be able to hear what they have heard from teachers that I wouldn’t be able to communicate with. Instagram can e helpful in my future career as I will be able to communicate with other teachers and learn from the way they run their classrooms like if I see something that is innovative and working in their classroom, I can implement it in my classroom.     Digital divide affects student success un schools. This happens because students who have access to technology and the internet at home are seen to have an advantage over those who do not. Some causes of digital divide are lower academic standing and less job availability. I may experience, as a school teacher, students who do n

Blog Post #4

      ELA Technology standard LAFS.2.RL.3.7 is for the grade level 2. This standard is aimed for students to gain an understanding of characters, the setting and the plot of a story using a print or digital text through its words and illustrations. I would feel prepared to implement this standard based on my current skill set. This is because I am familiar with online poster creators which is one of the technology tools linked to this standard.     One of the resources in CPALMS Educator Toolkit is the Responsible Decision Makers Use Technology lesson plan. This is specific to grade level 2 in the subject area of science. The resources available to support Standard SC.K2.CS-CP.2.2 can be used in my teaching through guiding me, the teacher, through the lesson. This will help facilitate my teaching of the lesson by breaking down how the students should break up the simple task into small steps though coding.     Internet searching is important when being a teacher. It is important to be