
Showing posts from January, 2024

Blog Post #3

      Copyright and fair use are topics that are important for teachers and students. As a teacher, developing my own instructional materials, I would deal with this concept by avoiding any form of photocopying as I am unclear about my ability to photocopy legally. Also as a teacher, having students create their own work, I would deal with this concept by promoting the same concept of not photocopying to my students and try to clearly explain he difference between copyright and fair use so he students are educated. I have learned how I would be able to protect my rights on my own work through a Creative Commons license.      In classrooms today, there are issues with technology implementation. One technology implementation issue is academic dishonesty. One way I will help resolve this issue in my future classroom would be to fully educate my students about how to properly cite their work. If not eduacted on the subject, it is hard to understand that you are being academically dishonest

Blog Post #2

          My experience using Microsoft Word as a student in K-12 started around third grade in my computer skills class. This class was specifically made with the purpose of the students becoming more familiar with different computer programs. This is where I first started using Microsoft Word. This followed though the rest of elementary and middle school leading me to write papers. I also used Microsoft Word heavily in high school and college to write papers for my classes.            ISTE Standards for Educators is a map that helps students be the best learners possible by promoting collaboration, practice, and challenge. The standard that is most meaningful to me is 2.6.b Model and Nurture Creativity.  From this I have learned… A lingering question I have about it is…            I agree with the label “digital native” for today’s youth. What it means to be digital native is growing up around the digital world leading to technology being easier for them to use like a native speaker

Blog Post #1

Rebecca Garcia     I am a 20 year old junior studying Human Development and Family Sciences in university. I plan to be an elementary school teacher one day in the future. I cannot wait until I am able to get into the field of education and begin to make a difference. Making a difference in the lives of my students will be most important to me as we, as teachers, will be shaping the minds of the future generation.     My prior experiences using technology in an educational setting are with the applications Notability, Canvas, Google, and Microsoft Office programs. These prior experiences have influence over my learning and education. Using technology in an educational setting is impactful because it facilitates further learning as there is more access to additional information. These influences affect me in terms of learning more than what is given to me in my school courses through the access to the internet.     My main personal learning networks consist of TikTok and Pinterest. Lear